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Weekly Exercise 1

Question :To what extent are new media technologies changing the way that audiences consume the media?


    New media technologies are seen to be the leading platform in today’s generation working their routine every single day. New media technologies are best defined as computerization that always revolves around digitalization. Old media are not being left out but are all revised, reengineered and sprinkled some element of digitalization in it. However, how does this new media technologies changes the way audiences like us consume the media?


    Audiences behavior towards media are always seen as a vital component and can be the spotlight for researchers’ experiments and observation all around the world. This is because, we can all agree that media changes the way we react towards certain things. However, the media today is totally different from the traditional media. In today’s landscape almost everyone consumes media especially new technology media such as reading the newspaper on a tablet or even using their smartphone to search for information. Everything is just on the tip of the finger.



      The new media technology does changes the way audience consumes the media. Advertising and PR firm in particular are aware of this and are using these new technologies such as augmented reality to enhance their marketing strategy. According to Dan Carlin an American political and podcaster said in a session with TEDx, television was once considered to be the 'God of Media'. However today, Youtube is seen to be replacing television. Today’s generation are more interested towards unscheduled programs as they can consume them on their free time and the people producing this kind of content will be able to reach out to more people compared to the traditional television platform. This is how powerful the new media technologies can be. The culture of consuming media is revolving day by day. The way we connect with people are different from before. Text based conversation are used today as a form of interaction. Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp messenger are some examples to support this statement.


      We are living through a time where creativity is on the top of the list to produce media because the audiences today demands for a creative content and interactivity for them to consume. The platform today such as high resolution devices are a necessity for every household to have and it will definitely continue to grow in the coming future.


The video below shows how we (today's generation) consumes the media today by using the new technologies of media. 



Audience Behavior and How It Relates to the New Media. (2010). pp.1-6.


The New Media's coming of age. (2015). [video] TEDx Talks.


Understanding media consumption in today’s fragmented landscape. (2015). [video] GfK.




Weekly Exercise 2

Stop Motion- 'damn daniel'


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This is a stop motion done by my groupmates and I. The video revolves around Daniel on how he feels when he is relaxed and stress-free. The video plays on a metaphorical approach.




Weekly Exercise 3

This is a short vlip made by myself, explaining some basic facts on how it is to live as a refugee in Malaysia. It is important for us Malaysian to get a clearer picture on these people in order for us not to stereotype and belittle them as they are also just like us, trying to survive in this world.

Sometimes it's not that bad to not be the special one, but to be just the only one. 

Weekly Exercise 4

Weekly Exercise 5

"A man with SUPER machine"

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